Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome Sign Maker!

       Hello and welcome to my newest blog.... well in reality.. it's my only blog.   I have been contemplating for some time now about starting a blog since it seems EVERYONE has one.   Oh I've tried to start a few here in there.   First I tried writing about my life in general.. which made me realize how much of a bore I was.   The next was about some of my interests such as gaming, movies, etc.. but there are a million and one blogs about the same thing.    So here I am writing about the one thing I try to escape from... work.
      Yes,  I am a sign maker.    Since landing my first job with a sign shop right out of college some 15 years ago I have tried to escape that truth... but here I am,  still doing it.  It's not a bad career necessarily,  I can wear t-shirts to work, and the atmosphere is relatively laid back and stress free...until that massive rush job falls in my lap.  The pay is mediocre,  the benefits are non-existent,  and 'time-off'  is almost impossible.    But in the end this is what I do. 
     Ah.. so if I haven't scared you away yet... lets say you wanna make signs too!....or you have no other choice.. I have decided to create a blog to help get you started with some tips and tricks of the trade and maybe a few fresh ideas once in a while when I have them!  So, if you are interested, be sure to check back often as I plan on updating with techniques that I've acquired through out my time as a sign man.

Mostly I work in Vinyl, and Full Color Media.   The design programs I use are Flexi-Sign 8.5 ,  Adobe Illustrator  and Photoshop.  

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